IIMAT’s diploma in hotel management is a fully accredited programme equips students with the ability to deliver five-star service in esteemed hotels and gastronomic restaurants. Our experienced and knowledgeable educators will guide you through the study of housekeeping, front office work, F&B and also strategic management protocols. Take a first step towards developing a fulfilling career in the hotel industry through this course. We provide the opportunity to intern in countries such as Singapore. Meet inspiring individuals and indulge in the cultures the world can provide.
The course provides students with the essential knowledge and competencies required in hotels. The students will gain an in-depth knowledge about specific management issues relevant to this industry. For example, restaurant management in the hospitality industry and hotel planning. This will provide the students the entry to supervisory level in the hospitality industry.
Our internships will be at prestigious hotels in Malaysia. Options are available to student interning in Australia and Singapore.
- Full accreditation by MQA
MQA / A 9610 | KPT (R2 / 811 / 4 / 0296) | DK 116 (W)
- Eligible entry to all Institutions of Higher Learning in Malaysia (IPTA & IPTS)